How did I get three weeks behind on the blog? It probably has something to do with summer arriving, Squash, Zucchini and Cucumbers coming in, Tomatoes growing strong, two deliveries a week and prepping for fall planting. Since I am so far behind this blog post will be all about pictures and captions. If you have any questions about any of it feel free to ask in the comments section or shoot me an email. Enjoy!
Let's start with some flowers, shall we?
Squash Blossom |
Nasturtium, edible, spicy |
Borage, edible, tastes like cucumber |
Edible flowers |
Elephant Garlic Flower |
Nasturtium, Lavender, Borage |
Bunch of Nasturtium |
First Zinnia |
Elephant Garlic flowers and Hardneck Garlic Scapes |
Sunflower waiting to open |
And some farm shots....
Grapes are coming along |
Cucurbits-Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Melons |
Our Neighbor cut the hay |
and baled it |
Tomatoes are sizing up in the hoop house |
Some of them are as tall as me now |
Harvest is in full swing, I can tell because I have to wash all these bins |
Grape leaves |
First Blueberries |
Rainbow Chard |
Noche Zucchini and Benning's Green Patty Pan Squash |
Kale |
Mustard Greens |
Red Russian Kale |
Lacinato Kale |
Arugula Bunches |
Zephyr Squash, Green and Gold Patty Pan |
Peas and Zucchini |
L: Snow Pea, R: Sugar Snap Pea |
Handy way of brining up the harvest from the lower field and mowing a strip each trip |
Puddy guarding the lettuce harvest |
Listening to World Cup games on AM radio while washing Carrots |
Top: Dill, Thyme, Sage Bottom: Oregano, Savory |
Garlic Harvest!!!! |
Elephant Garlic |
Garlic hanging in the barn to cure |
Hanging the garlic |
Pretty Cool, right, it will hang here for a few weeks for the outer layers to dry out and cure |
First Cucumber!!!! |
Romaine |
Cory and Ashley came and hung out for a day |
Ashley and Luz weeding the Leeks |
Cory gets a tan while cutting down the cover crop |
Ashley pounding posts |
Luz and Ashley set posts for tomato trellising |
Production and Cultivation
A CSA Share |
We have doubled our composting by adding pickups at The Heights |
As the blueberries began to ripen we covered them with netting so the birds don't get them all |
Packing CSA Boxes |
Another CSA Share |
Every Friday and Saturday at The Pig |
Eating Well
Strawberry sauce on panna cotta at Logan Tavern |
Another farm tasting menu at The Pig |
One of my lunch salads at the farm |
What I saw while delivering to The Pig, at least nothing goes to waste... |
Puddy Time
Last week Puddy caught this baby groundhog (and killed it). I guess she is full farm dog now. I feel like she should get some sort of medal or promotion even though it was awfully cute and I felt bad for the poor thing. Still, in a few months it would have been a crop eating nightmare. Thanks, Puddy?